Tuesday, September 20, 2011

No One Wants to Discuss "Poop"

Poop, as in the stuff that issues from your colon.

No one wants to talk about it, but how well your colon works is an indication of over-all health. The colon (large intestine) is five to six feet long and about three inches in diameter. Peristalsis is the rhythmic contraction of the colon designed to push feces through this tube-like organ. A backed-up colon is a toxic colon.

Unfortunately, in our culture especially, it is not uncommon to hear of clients whose "normal" rhythm only produces a bowel movement once every two or three days. There are many people, usually women, who have bowel movements every five to seven days...even going ten days between evacuation of the colon.

I repeat: a backed-up colon is a toxic colon.

Your poop can tell you a lot about what is going in in your digestive system. I could hazard a guess that most people look at their stool before they flush, but do they really look at their stool? Here are some of the things you can learn about what may not be operating at optimal levels, just by studying your own poop...

...undigested food particles in your stool are not normal and can be a sign of food intolerances or an inflammation somewhere in your digestive system. First of all, chew your food until it is liquid. Digestion starts in the mouth.

...diarrhea is your body's attempt to detox! Alternating between constipation and diarrhea is a signal you need to re-evaluate your food program.

..."rabbit pellets" can mean you are dehydrated or have impaired peristalsis.

...a larger than life bowel movement that is hard to pass is often an indication that your diet is based on too many dehydrated and processed foods, especially protein bars or shakes.

...feces that is hard to flush is usually lighter in color than a normal bowel movement and may point to a deficiency in bile, which the body creates in order to break down fats.

...if your sh#t stinks, detoxify immediately. Smelly poop is often a result after a surgical procedure where a general anesthesia is used, exposure to a toxic environment, or a diet which consists of processed foods.

Help is on the way!

Dietary and lifestyle changes positively effect a sluggish colon. While those are being put in place, becoming habitual, there is a group of exercises that can radically improve colon peristalsis.

Your abdominal muscles attach to the organs in the abdominal cavity of your body. That means the colon, too. By learning a specialized set of abdominal exercises and the specific order in which they should be done, you can "exercise" every part of the colon: ascending, hepatic angle, right transverse, left transverse, total transverse colon, spleen angle, descending colon, and the sigmoid colon. This results in creating the rhythmic contractions your colon should have in order to move feces through the large intestines. Done daily, you create colon health as you build strong, beautiful sub-umbilical abdominals.

It's a win-win!

1 comment:

  1. These exercises are taught as part of the SomatoTraining Course. See the Facebook page SomatoTraining USA - The Legacy Method for details.
